Saturday, May 4, 2024
HomeMuslim WorldAugury of night!

Augury of night!

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اپنے مضمون كی اشاعت كے لئے مندرجه بالا ای میل اور واٹس ایپ نمبر پر تحریر ارسال كر سكتے هیں۔


Sajad Ahmad,

 Hoot of an owl is an augury of night,

as last ray of hope is the promise of  light.

The call of cuckoo was a miraculous myth,

and charm of thy face  was a gift of my sight.


The stings of envy is weapon of the weak,

 as clear conscience is muscle of the meek;

the ceremony of pomp is never everlasting,

and treasures of wit for those who seek.


 Accelerate the darkness inside your brain,

search out that  goblet and wait for the rain,

since spiritual dryness is as old as Cain

like unfortunate Sibyl ‘s immortalised pain.


Cherish your wants like downtrodden sag,

ablaze your hut and settle down with hag;

or follow  foot prints of a disguised witch,

march to her cave and don’t look back.


The cunningness of fox smelled by a lamb

when turning into dust a poor hog’s fame.

Nightingale is singing the secret before hand,

for original sin Serpent shouldn’t be blamed.


Abandon your fame, embrace awaiting blame.

Play like an offhand in every friendly game

like pirates of ocean searching a way to home,

as monks in monastery cannot have a name.

                                                                                                                                                                                         MANUU LKO.



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