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   Sajjad Ahmad, 

Sitting alone, on this abyss…

I feel frightened by my failure to feel  the feeling that I feel,

How shall you know,  about the feeling– that I feel?

I suddenly feel lonelier than that— ruined Bower upon a hill,

enveloped with smog and coal— and  the men; the Satan’s breed–

pregnant with the deadly stuff in their  pockets and the reed

— all around, turning the logs, and  wrestling the beams in order  to collect their yield

and the distant sounds of crying,  yelling & roaring that I was hardly  able to  heed…

And i just feel myself lonelier than that  solitary — wild  flower,

found on the sharpest peaks of Himalaya, which welcomes every newcomer, but then!

plucked and smashed for the foolish, human need…

And many a times I feel abruptly lonelier like those forgotten castles of ruthless kings,

the reflections of which  in the water  like  Cyclopes, the  slouching  beasts…

and  behind it—at stone’s throw , a poor boy’s  home lies  , damaged, down- at- the- heels,

whose  walls begging, reassemble us for man’s basic need. need”.

here again I  feel damned, n  desolated, like Faustus, like  Solomon Cane–

eavesdropping  Malivia— the blasphemer’s creed, inaudibly humming, there  is no religion but greed…

Perchance, I  fell aloof like that gypsy girl, , herding her voiceless  flock alone–

in whose ear the devil whispered, there are no laws  for beastly needs,”

Incorrigibly I  feel pain  like that teenager, brooding over the  unrequited love, as if a  large deepest wound bleeds–

on the bank of Jhelum, consistently gazing the riples – now on louts now on  weeds…



Research Scholar

MANUU Lucknow Campus.

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