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اپنے مضمون كی اشاعت كے لئے مندرجه بالا ای میل اور واٹس ایپ نمبر پر تحریر ارسال كر سكتے هیں۔




Sajad Ahmad

 Once more, that obsessed, infernal wish of mine,    

 To be a white Zombie — the Vampire’s kind;

 Is growing like the pain of a hopeless disease,

In my heart and my brain– I see it seldom cease.


I’m commencing the sermon by sacrificing ram,

 Uttering expletive phrases like hell, devil, and damn.

Baby’s lukewarm blood is what Dracula may need,

To please white- walker I am dying to proceed.


 I signed a blank paper, among evil things around,

 That Hades will have me, what angel made such sound?

A lifelong desire – how can I miss the chance?

 I hate being alive, I must die first perchance.


To summon dead souls from the underground holes,

 I’m chanting very spell — playing sorcerer’s roles;

No enemy could stop me – I thwart every friend,

 For this final destiny–  for this ultimate end.


You know to be a zombie, I offered everything,

 My soul and my body, my well forged ring;

 The black day of year, I did it, all with care,

 Now every mortal being must behold me to fear.


No beauty can attract, a handsome harmless beast,

 No locks, pretty mask or melodious beat.

A new born zombie eager to have blood,

 No mortal can satiate it I need lot of blood.


But, Alas! Once more, building castles in the air,

  It was all just a dream I’m not a vampire;

& quickly calculated– not even Lucifer’s heir,

 &the damn working day added fuel to the fire.




                                                                                                                                                Research scholar,

                                                                                                                                                MANUU Lucknow.



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